A new study from the Women’s National Housing and Homelessness Network shows that = women experiencing homelessness in Canada are falling through major gaps in support systems and falling into precarious situations.
A new study from the Women’s National Housing and Homelessness Network shows that = women experiencing homelessness in Canada are falling through major gaps in support systems and falling into precarious situations.
COVID-19 has disproportionately put First Nations, Inuit and Métis women and girls at a greater risk of violence. Read the full article.
Additional reporting on the divergence in job loss between men and women during the reopening process.Read the article on the Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/29/covid-19-crisis-could-set-women-back-decades-experts-fear
The media has widely reported that countries led by women, such as Germany, New Zealand, Iceland and Finland, have been faring better than other sin combating COVID-19 in their countries. These women leaders tend to act quickly, close borders and businesses early, and implement clear, thorough and well-executed plans from social distancing to gradual reopening.
In countries most impacted by coronavirus disease (COVID-19), such as Italy and China, surveillance reveals that the number of deaths differ by sex. Preliminary data suggest that while the distributions of cases vary by sex, men represent the larger proportion of deaths in these countries.
Writer Rosemary Ganley ponders big and bold thoughts on rebuilding the Canada we want.
Historical analysis from the National Geographic that remains piercingly relevant today.