Curated by Kate Schneider and Nicholas Harris
Audrey Marlene McLaughlin A Woman’s Place: My Life and Politics Macfarlane Walter & Ross (1992)
Carolyn Bennett Kill or Cure?: How Canadians Can Remake Their Healthcare System Harpercollins Publishers (2000)
Elizabeth May Losing Confidence: Power, Politics and the Crisis in Canadian Democracy McClelland & Stewart (2009)
Elizabeth May Who We Are: Reflections on My Life and Canada Greystone Books (2014)
Elizabeth May Budworm Battles: The Fight to Stop the Aerial Insecticide Spraying of the Forests of Eastern Canada Four East Pub (1982)
Elizabeth May Paradise Won: The Struggle to Save South Moresby McClelland & Stewart (1990)
Elizabeth May At the Cutting Edge: The Crisis in Canada’s Forests Key Porter Books (1998)
Maude Barlow and Elizabeth May Frederick Street; Life and Death on Canada’s Love Canal HarperCollins Canada (2000)
Elizabeth May How to Save the World in Your Spare Time Key Porter Books (2006)
Zoe Caron and Elizabeth May Global Warming for Dummies John Wiley and Sons (2008)
Libby Davies Outside In Between the Lines (2019)
Jeannette Chau Upsizing in a Downsizing World: Lessons Learned and Tips to Get You Back on Your Feet After Job Loss Iuniverse Inc (2011)
Jeannette Montufar 20 Love Poems and Some Random Thoughts McNally Robinson Print on Demand (2013)
Rosemary Ganley Jamaica Journal: The Story Of A Grassroots Canadian Aid Organization CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (2016)
Sheila Copps Nobody's Baby: A Survival Guide to Politics Deneau Publishers (1986)
Sheila Copps Worth Fighting For McClelland & Stewart (2004)
Cheri DiNovo Qu(e)erying Evangelism: Growing a Community From the Outside In Pilgrim Pr (2005)
Deb Grey Never Retreat, Never Explain, Never Apologize: My Life, My Politics Key Porter Books (2004)
Delia Opekokew The Political and Legal Inequities Among Aboriginal Peoples in Canada (Aboriginal Peoples and Constitutional Reform) Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, Queen’s University (1987)
Delia Opekokew The First Nations: Indian Government and the Canadian Confederation Federation of Saskatchewan Indians (1980)
Farheen Khan From Behind the Veil: A Hijabi's Journey to Happiness TRUMEDIA (2010)
Farheen Khan A Hijabi's Journey to Live, Laugh and Love Burman Books Media Corp. (2015)
Pat Carney Trade Secrets: A Memoir Key Porter Books (2000)
Rosemary Brown Being Brown: A Very Public Life Ballantine Books (1990)
Sharon Carstairs and Tim Higgins Dancing Backwards: A Social History of Canadian Women in Politics Heartland Associates (2004)
Sharon Carstairs Not One of the Boys Macmillan of Canada (1993)
Louis McComber and Shannon Partridge (editors) Arnait nipingit: Voices of Inuit Women in Leadership and Governance Nunavut Arctic College (2012)
Elizabeth Goodyear-Grant Gendered News: Media Coverage and Electoral Politics in Canada UBC Press (2013)
Linda Trimble, Jane Arscott and Manon Tremblay Stalled: The Representation of Women in Canadian Governments UBC Press (2013)
Sylvia B. Bashevkin Toeing the Lines: Women and Party Politics in English Canada Oxford University Press (1993)
Sylvia B. Bashevkin (editor) Opening Doors Wider: Women’s Political Engagement in Canada UBC Press (2009)
Sylvia B. Bashevkin Women, Power, Politics: The Hidden Story of Canada’s Unfinished Democracy Oxford University Press (2009)
Linda Trimble and Jane Arscott Still Counting: Women in Politics Across Canada University of Toronto Press (2003)
Linda Trimble and Manon Tremblay (editors) Women and Electoral Politics in Canada Oxford University Press (2003)
Linda Trimble Ms. Prime Minister: Gender, Media, and Leadership University of Toronto Press (2017)
Jane Arscott and Linda Trimble (editors) In the Presence of Women: Representation in Canadian governments Harcourt Brace & Company Canada (1996)
Manon Tremblay Quebec Women and Legislative Representation UBC Press (2010)
Manon Tremblay and Anne Mévellec Genre et Professionnalisation de la Politique Municipale : un Portrait des Élues et Élus du Québec Presses de l’Université du Québec (2016)
Manon Tremblay and Réjean Pelletier Que Font-Elles en Politique? Presses de l’Université Laval (1995)
Manon Tremblay and Caroline Andrew (editors) Women and Political Representation in Canada University of Ottawa Press (1998)
Manon Tremblay Des Femmes au Parlement: une Stratégie Féministe? Éditions du Remue-Ménage (1999)
Madelyn Holmes Working for the Common Good: Canadian Women Politicians Fernwood Publishing (2017)
Kathy Megyery (editor) Women in Canadian Politics: Toward Equity in Representation Dundurn Press (1991)
Janine Brodie Women and Politics in Canada McGraw-Hill Ryerson (1985)
Jean Cochrane Women in Canadian Politics Fitzhenry & Whiteside (1977)
François-Pierre Gingrass (editor) Gender and Politics in Contemporary Canada Oxford University Press (1995)
Sherrill MacLauren Invisible power: the Women Who Run Canada McClelland-Bantam (1992)
Lisa Young Feminists and Party Politics UBC Press (2000)
Sydney Sharpe The Gilded Ghetto: Women and Political Power in Canada HarperCollins (1994)
Caroline Andrew Electing a Diverse Canada: the Representation of Immigrants, Minorities, and Women UBC Press (2008)
Jennifer L. Lawless and Richard L. Fox It Takes a Candidate: Why Women Don’t Run for Office Cambridge University Press (2005)
Jay Newton-Small Broad Influence: How Women Are Changing the Way America Works Time Magazine (2016)
Ellen R. Malcolm and Craig Unger When Women Win: EMILY’s List and the Rise of Women in American Politics Mariner Book (2017)
Jennifer Palmieri Dear Madam President: An Open Letter to the Women Who Will Run the World Grand Central Publishing (2018)
Sylvia Bashevkin (editor) Women and Politics in Western Europe Routledge (1986)
Rainbow Murray (editor) Cracking the Highest Glass Ceiling: a Global Comparison of Women’s Campaigns for Executive Office Praeger (2010)
Manon Tremblay and Gretchen Bauer (editors) Women in Executive Power: A Global Overview Routledge (2011)
Manon Tremblay (editor) Women and Legislative Representation: Electoral Systems, Political Parties, and Sex Quotas Palgrave Macmillan (2008)
Yvonne Galligan and Manon Tremblay (editors) Sharing Power: Women, Parliament, Democracy Routledge (2005)
Rachel Friedman, Nichelle D. McNabb, and Kristen L. McCauliff Listening to Women on the Right: Communication Strategies of Today’s Female Republican Politicians McFarland & Company, Inc. (2017)
Barbara Kellerman and Deborah L. Rhode Women and Leadership: The State of Play and Strategies for Change Jossey-Bass (2007)
Iris Bohnet What Works: Gender Equality by Design Harvard University Press (2016)
Simon Sinek Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action Penguin Publishing Group (2009)
Catherine Belanger Mauril and Me: Testimonies to a Legacy John McQuarrie Photography (2018)
Documentary Why Women Run National Film Board of Canada Production
Webisodes and Videos Dancing with the Octopus
School Program (grades 5-8) Dancing Backwards
Website Equal Voice
Website EMILY’s List
me too. / #MeToo Organization started in 2006 by Tarana Burke to help sexual assault survivors, particularly young women of colour from low income communities. Gained worldwide recognition from the #MeToo movement that started spreading online in October 2017 following shortly after sexual assault allegations emerged against film producer Harvey Weinstein. Since then, the increase in support for sexual harassment and assault victims resulting from the #MeToo movement has infiltrated the political scene in Canada, ending the careers of many politicians at both the provincial and federal level.
UN Women: Step It Up Campaign run by UN Women aiming to achieve equal rights for women by 2030. Encourages national governments to make commitments towards gender equality.
Time’s Up / #TIMESUP An organization against sexual assault and harassment announced in January, 2018 and started by women working in Hollywood.
HeForShe Campaign run by UN Women to encourage people of all genders to support gender equality. Supports the notion that discrimination against women affects everyone and that women should not be the only ones attempting to strive for gender equality.
Women’s March Worldwide protest in support of women’s rights in reaction to the election of President Donald Trump in the United States. Held on January 21, 2017 and considered the largest single-day protest in U.S. history.